Kidney Failure Symptoms

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Can Leg Pain Come from Kidney Failure

2013-11-22 09:09

Can Leg Pain Come from Kidney FailureKidney failure is one condition that affects not only kidneys but also many other organs and systems. Talking with kidney failure patients, we can find some of them are bothered by leg pain. Can leg pain come from kidney failure?

Leg pain and kidney failure

In kidney failure, too many toxins and waste products build up in the body. Also, the electrolyte balance is disturbed accordingly. In this case, leg is just one potential organ involved easily in kidney failure. Most often, three conditions can lead to leg pain:

- Damage to tiny blood vessels and nerves in legs

- The build up of uremic toxins

- Too much phosphorus in the blood

How to deal with leg pain for kidney failure patients?

If you are suffering from leg pain caused by kidney failure, I believe the biggest thing you concern is to alleviate your discomfort. In this condition, your doctors may prescribe you some painkillers, but most of these medications have certain renal toxicity. Therefore, we would like to recommend some home remedies.

- Foot bath: Taking warm foot bath every night can help improve the blood circulation in feet and legs. If you want to relax your whole body, medicated bath is more helpful.

- Massage: It can be taken either at home or in a clinic. It is better for you to accept massage with doctors’ guidance.

- Moderate exercise: If your leg pain is due to restless leg syndrome, you can do some gentle exercise to ease the pain in your legs.

- Chinese medicines: Some Chinese medicines have properties of pain reliever, and they have fewer side effects than western medicines. What’s more, some other Chinese herbs can help improve kidney function. Therefore, taking correct Chinese medicines is very important.

All of the above methods are easy to handle. If you still have anything unclear, welcome to leave a message to

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