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Creatinine 224 for My Mother Is There Any Other Option

2017-12-16 11:25

Creatinine 224 for My Mother Is There Any Other Option“Hello, doctor. My mother has creatinine 224. We are afraid of dialysis. When is at the point for dialysis? Is there any other option? I am very worried.” This is received recent days. If you want to gain a personally treatment plan, please contact online doctor. Here the article is objective to describe the answer through a e-mail from our doctor.

How are you? How is your mother?

Several days before my assistant had a talk with you on our website. Sorry to know about your mother’s kidney problem. I will be very glad if I can give some helpful suggestions for your mother.

Actually many factors can affect the creatinine level, like drinking much, keeping sufficient sleeping, having a relax mood, limiting eating fat meat and seafood. All these can help to make the creatinine reduced.

However, these are not the root treatment. You know, the creatinine is the metabolic product by the muscle. This kind of waste need to be filtrated by kidneys. If the kidneys are damaged, the creatinine will not be discharged out, so the creatinine will stay in the blood. That is why the serum creatinine become high.

Your mother’s creatinine level 224 is high, this means your mother’s kidneys have been damaged to a certain degree.

Now I need to know more about your mother’s present condition:

1. How long your mother have the high creatinine level?

2. How about your mother's GFR? or kidney function?

3. Does your mother have any symptom? Like proteinuria, blood in urine,swelling?

I am waiting for your reply. Then I will give some helpful suggestions based on your mother own condition. It is my pleasure.


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