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How is Chinese Medicine Used to Treat IgA Nephropathy (IgAN)

2014-08-12 06:49

How is Chinese Medicine Used to Treat IgA Nephropathy (IgAN)Nowadays, more and more kidney patients throughout the world are seeking for treatment in China. In this article, let’s talk about this question, “How is Chinese medicine used to treat IgA Nephropathy?” For personalized advice, chat with our online doctor for free advice.

IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) is an auto-immune kidney disease in which the tiny filtering units of the kidneys called glomeruli get diagnosed due to abnormal deposits of IgA immune complexes in the mesangial area.

Chinese medicine has surprising curative effects for this kidney disorder with aims at treating the disease from the root cause. Here, we would like to recommend a holistic approach called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. (You can check Here to watch the video introduction) 

As a featured treatment in Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative development of TCM. Micronized herbal medicines are externally used to function as below:

- Dilate the blood vessels and improve the blood circulation. The supply of blood and oxygen to the kidneys will become sufficient.

- Clean the blood and eliminate harmful substances like IgA immune complexes. A favorable internal environment can be provided.

- Inhibit excessive inflammatory response and prevent further kidney damage.

- Repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and restore the overall renal fucntion.

- Regulate the whole immune system and avoid further relapse of kidney disease.

After the above processes, IgA Nephropathy (IgAN) can be treated fundamentally. Patients can expect to get the most satisfying recovery. If you are interested to get personalized evaluation for Osmotherapy, please feel free to Email us at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com to professional help.

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