FSGS Treatment

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What Is the Treatment for FSGS and Creatinine 7

2013-11-05 14:59

What to do to stay healthy when creatinine level increases to 7 due to FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)? FSGS is a common kidney disorder that can lead to dialysis, so a medical treatment is necessary with diagnosis of FSGS. Well, for patients whose creatinine is as high as 7 because of FSGS, what is the proper treatment?

Before introducing the treatment for FSGS and creatinine 7, let’s learn why serum creatinine level increases when one is diagnosed with FSGS.

How does FSGS cause increase of creatinine level in blood?

Creatinine is the end product of meat, including our muscles and meat we eat during diet. In normal condition, creatinine is discharged out of our body through kidneys, so kidney is responsible for keeping a stable serum creatinine level. FSGS refers to the illness in which glomerulus, a part of kidney, is damaged partially. Glomerulus takes charge of filtering blood. When glomeruli are injured for some reasons like inflammation, kidney will fail to perform filtration function. Consequently, creatinine in the blood can not be removed timely and serum creatinine level increases.

What is the treatment for FSGS and creatinine 7?

Normal creatinine level is 0.5-1.3mg/dL. Creatinine 7 is several times higher than the normal value, and it indicates kidneys have been damaged severely. For FSGS patients, they are usually suggested to start dialysis when creatinine level increases to 5, as it means there are lots of toxins in blood. For people whose creatinine level has increased to 7, they need to do dialysis if they have severe discomforts like nausea, vomiting and itchy skin as it indicates toxins in the blood has began to affect their internal organs.

Dialysis is the most direct way to lower down creatinine 7, but it is not the only option. Dialysis helps to purify blood, but it does not mean FSGS patients need to do dialysis forever once they start dialysis. If they still have urine output, they can try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which has been successfully used by kidney disease patients from more than 60 countries. Effective ingredients in this treatment can help to repair injured glomeruli and in this way, kidney function can be improved. For FSGS patients who are on dialysis, their creatinine level can be lowered down effectively and also they have a high chance to come off dialysis when their kidney function is improved.

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