IgA Nephropathy Treatment

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Will Fish Oil Do Good for IgA Nephropathy

2013-11-24 16:48

Will Fish Oil Do Good for IgA NephropathyWill fish oil do good for IgA Nephropathy patients? Fish oil is very popular in our daily life owing to its health-beneficial functions. For instance, it can be used to deal with heart disease and stoke. For another instance, it can help with depression and psychosis. Also, owing to its abundant omega-3 fatty acids, many people eat fish oil as a nutritional supplement in daily life. Well, for IgA Nephropathy patients, will fish oil do good?

Some IgA Nephropathy takes fish oil and hope to get impaired kidney function restored as they hold the opinion that fish oil can help to treat kidney disease. As a matter of fact, fish oil indeed shows benefits on kidney, as omega-3 fatty acids contained by fish oil offer potent anti-inflammatory effects. IgA Nephropathy is a progressive kidney problem with increasing IgA immune complexes in mesangial area. These depositions do not belong to kidney and when they lodge in kidney, inflammation appears. In IgA Nephropathy, inflammatory response is the direct cause of kidney damages. Fish oil has potent anti-inflammatory effects, and with the help of it, inflammatory response can be stopped or blocked effectively, which is very helpful or beneficial for IgA Nephropathy. However, this does not mean IgA Nephropathy can be cured with fish oil.

In IgA Nephropathy, large amounts of IgA immune complexes are formed and deposit in kidney due to immune disorder. Therefore, if we want to receive permanent treatment effects, we must normalize immune system, prevent further formation of IgA immune complexes and also remove IgA immune complexes that have deposited in kidney effectively. Only in this way, can IgA Nephropathy be treated well and also can we receive obvious treatment effects. As for the treatment for IgA Nephropathy, Immunotherapy is highly recommended and so far it has been successfully used to treat lots of patients from different countries. If you are interested in this treatment and want to know more about it or you have further questions about artic Will Fish Oil Do Good for IgA Nephropathy, you can contact us by leaving message to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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