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How to Treat Bubbly Urine As One Lupus Symptom

2013-11-20 11:30

How to Treat Bubbly Urine As One Lupus SymptomFor people with Lupus, kidney is the organ most commonly involved. In early stage, patients usually don’t know there is disease going on in their body, but with the progress of Lupus, bubbly urine and many other symptoms appear. Today, our topic is how to treat bubbly urine for Lupus patients.

To make sure patients can get correct treatment guidance, the suggestions are divided into four steps.

Step 1: Determine whether the bubbly urine is linked with kidneys

Bubbly urine refers to there are bubbles in urine, but the causes change from case to case. If your bubbly urine is due to urgent urination or remaining toilet cleaner, you don’t need to be worried, because it is normal. However, once the bubbles in urine last long time and have similar sizes, it is more likely to indicate there is protein in your urine.

Step 2: Figure out the danger of proteinuria

Lupus, also known as SLE, is one autoimmune disease. With this disease, a large amount of immune complexes, the combination of antibodies and antigens, build up in the blood, and they can also settle in various organs via blood circulation. As introduced by the above content, kidneys are most potential organs involved in Lupus.

When immune complexes in kidneys invade glomeruli, a lot of protein leaks from the kidneys into urine, thus forming proteinuria. If left uncontrolled, protein leakage can lead to further damage to kidney filters, or glomeruli.

Step 3: Manage bubbly urine for Lupus patients timely

At present, it is widely agreed that steroids with immunosuppressive medicines can help alleviate proteinuria, or bubbly urine, effectively by inhibiting kidney inflammation. Tell the online doctor your medical case, so they can prescribe useful medications.

To control proteinuria, a healthy diet is also important. On one hand, the total amount of protein intake should be limited between 0.6-0.8g/kg. On the other hand, take in high-quality protein such as fish and egg white, so as to reduce the burden on kidneys.

Step 4: Fix damaged kidney filters and immune system actively

Since damaged kidney filters are the root cause of bubbly urine for Lupus patients, some kidney repairing treatments such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy may be needed. Besides, to treat Lupus, the abnormal immune system should be regulated. At this time, Immunotherapy may be helpful. As for which treatment is suitable for you, it should depend on your medical condition.

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