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Chinese Medicine Has Good Effect for Treating PKD with Increasing Creatinine

2015-12-12 13:55

Chinese Medicine Has Good Effect for Treating PKD with Increasing CreatinineABDURRAHMA is a PKD patient from Nigeria, due to continuous increase in serum creatinine for 5 months he decided to come to our hospital for further treatment. The following are some details about him and the treatment he accepted in here, let us have a look together.

Patient Name: ABDURRAHMA

Nationality: Nigeria

Gender: Male

Age: 57

Disease Type: PKD

Admission time: 14th,Oct,2015

Test reports shows that the blood pressure is 160/90mmHg, serum creatinine is 416umol/l, BUN is18.3mmol/l, Hemoglobin is 107g/L

Besides the above numbers, both of his lower limbs are swollen and his abdominal girth up to 131cm. Abdominal sufficiency shows that the largest cyst on his right kidney is 44x39mm, the largest cyst on his left kidney is 45x34mm.

After analyzed, our doctor made a treatment plan according to his own disease condition, which included the Top Seven Treatments.

After treatment his condition turns good, his blood pressure level downs to 130/80mmHg, abdominal girth significantly narrowed to 111 cm. Ultrasound shows that the cyst on right kidney shrink to 40x30mm, the left one shrink to 42x34mm. The kidney function test shows that the BUN downs to 14.7mmol/L, Serum creatinine downs to 379umol/L.

Before treatment his urine is as white as the boiled water and no any smell, but now the urine gradually becomes cloudy. Due to so many changes, the patient are very satisfied with the curative effect. He said that choosing Chinese Medicine to treat his disease is the best right decision he has ever done.

If you want to know more details about the Top Seven Treatments or want to control PKD well, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp/Viber directly, we will try our best to help you.

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