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Chinese Medicine Can Help Dialysis Patient A Lot

2016-10-26 14:20

ALSAIDI is a 36 years old Lupus Nephropathy patient from Oman, before coming here she has undergone dialysis 2 years.

15 years ago, she got a fever and temperature increased to 39.5℃. So , she went to the hospital for treatment, then the doctor diagnosed her as SLE and prescribed some prednisolone to her. After 6 weeks, her disease condition got relieved a lot.

5 years ago, her blood pressure began to rise, even up to 200/100mmHg. Then, the doctor prescribed some hypotensive drugs to control the high blood pressure.

2 years ago, her blood pressure went to high level again, it was 160/90mmHg. The urine routine examination shown: protein2+,occult blood+. The blood test shown her serum creatinine level increased to 830umol/L. Then,she had to undergo dialysis(2times/week)to relieve all those symptoms.

4 months ago, she got a cold which induced sever infection.Her doctor gave her some treatment accordingly. But after 3 months treatment, her disease didn’t got improved.

2 weeks ago, she got vomiting and abdominal pains. What’s more, those symptoms cannot be controlled well.

On Oct 16th,2016,she came to our hospital for further treatment. Then, she was in bad condition, bad appetite, bad sleeping, malnutrition.Her blood pressure has increased to 180/130mmHg,T38℃.The test shown her serum creatinine level was 812umol/L,BUN 22.6mmol/L,UA 532umol/L. Besides that she got serious infection,anemia,and poor heart function, so her life was in great risk.

According to her disease condition, our doctor prescribed her some western medicines to anti-infection, correct acidosis, control blood pressure and improve the immunity. Based on this point, our doctor applied some Chinese Medicines to improve the microcirculation, repair the damaged kidneys and protect the residual ones from further damage.

After 8 days treatment her overall condition got controlled, all those symptoms disappeared gradually. The test shown her serum creatinine downs to 514umol/L, BUN 11.1mmol/L, UA 227umol/L. We know that he will get a remarkable curative effect.

If you want to know more details about those treatments she received or want to control kidney disease without dialysis, you can send email to us or leave message below, we will try our best to help you.

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