Chronic Kidney Disease Causes

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Is It Neccessary To Remove Tonsils After Inflammation?

2018-11-14 10:31

The kidney patients should pay more attention to some kinds of infections ,such as tonsils inflammation attacks the kidneys. Do chronic kidney disease patients need to remove it?

Infection is not only related to chronic Nephritis, but also more closely related to acute nephritis. Many infections include malaria, and acute nephritis may occur within one month of infection. In addition, arising measles, chickenpox, infectious hepatitis

tonsils it is very easy to get infection.

Is it good or bad to remove tonsils

Both advantages and disadvantages are available.

advantageous: Can avoid cold, tired, poor sleep or tonsils infection after alcohol and tobacco stimulation, tonsils will no longer produce toxins in the kidney deposition, treatment of inflammatory nephropathy.

There are disadvantages: tonsils is a part of the lymphatic tissue of the pharynx and has a certain immune function, which has a certain defense effect on upper and lower respiratory diseases. If tonsils is removed, its function will be unabled.

Do nephritis and kidney disease patients need to remove it?

Situation in which it is need to be removed: For nephropathy and some chronic nephritis, tonsils may produce toxins after infection to continue attacking the kidneys. In this case, it is better to remove tonsils . Note that Penicillin should be used before and after surgery.

No need to remove: tonsils inflammatory nephritis of arising generally does not need tonsils enucleation. Acute nephritis can be cured, and removal of tonsils will not only lose some immune function, but also cause proteinuria and hematuria due to surgery.

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