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How to Reduce High Creatinine Levels in Diabetes

2014-03-18 02:58

How to Reduce High Creatinine Levels in DiabetesDiabetes is mainly caused by high blood sugar.How does high blood sugar lead to high creatinine?What should we do for reducing high creatinine levels in Diabetes?Follow our descriptions and find the answers.If you are interested in our therapies to reducing high creatinine level in diabetes,click online doctors.

How does high blood sugar lead to high creatinine?

Blood flows all the time in our body.Amounts of blood sugar fail to be absorbed for our body.High blood sugar belongs to macromolecule.While kidney is like a filter that needs to be cleared away wastes and toxins out of the body in the form of urine.Glomeruli have lots of blood vessels.There are many tiny holes in the blood vessels.As long-term damage are caused by high blood sugar,the filtration functions will lose thus leading to deposition of high creatinine.Creatinine is a kind of wastes and toxins needing to be removed out of the body.If creatinine deposits in our body,many complications follow after thus making problems tricky.

What should we do for reducing high creatinine level in diabetes?

In order to treat high creatinine level in diabetes,we need to take measures in diet perspective and treatment perspective.

Diet Plan

Have less meat.Meat is the resource of creatinine.Therefore heavy burden can be relieved day by day.

Have a low-sodium diet and kidney functions can be protected timely and immediately.

Kidney Treatment

Our hospital is called Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Our hospital have researched kidney disease for many years.Meanwhile it is also the most professional hospital in China.In our hospital,there are many featured treatments such as Miro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,Blood Purification,Blood Pollution Therapy and so on.

If you are interested in our therapies or our to with specific guidance and our experts will help you for free with professional guidance.

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