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Kidney Function 37% in Diabetes What does that Means and How to Improve It

2015-07-28 14:07

Kidney function 37%,Diabetes,How to improve kidney functionWhat does kidney function 37% in Diabetes means and how to improve it ? From the kidney function we can know that how serious the kidneys are damaged, which stage the disease is in and what kind of treatment should be applied to treat this disease. In the following i will tell you more information about 37% kidney function.

Kidney function 37% in Diabetes means what ?

Kidney function 37% in Diabetes means that Diabetes has induced kidney damage and the people now are suffering from Diabetes and kidney disease at the same time.

From the number 37% we can know that there is just left 37% kidneys can work normally and now the disease is in stag 3 but near to stage 4. So that demand patient to take proper treatment right now, otherwise they may need to face dialysis or kidney transplant.

How to improve kidney function in Diabetes and kidney disease ?

For people with Diabetes and kidney disease, if they want to prevent the disease goes worse or improve the kidney function, the first thing they should do is to control the blood sugar level well. After that they should take systematic treatment to solve the kidney problem from its root.

Except the treatment, kidney disease patient also should make a fit diet plan according to their own condition and form a healthy living habit which can prevent the kidneys from further damage.

If you have other questions or need help in improving kidney function, do not hesitant to contact our online doctor or leave message to us, we will try our best to help you.

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