FSGS Treatment

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What Are The Natural Treatments For FSGS with Creatinine 3.3

2017-03-14 15:56

What Are The Natural Treatments For FSGS with Creatinine 3.3FSGS is the abbreviation of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. For FSGS patients with creatinine 3.3, Natural Treatments are effective measures. Here the article can help you to know more about FSGS and Natural Treatments. You can get more information from ONLINE DOCTOR.

FSGS is a kidney disorder which cause glomerulosclerosis. It is one of common causes for adults who suffer from kidney failure. FSGS means some of the glomerulus are injured partially, then renal functions will be lowered . As they are unable to remove unnecessary things from body, creatinine goes up. It is an key stage for FSGS patients with creatinine 3.3 to be treated. In this stage, with valid treatment, kidney failure can be avoided, and also can their life expectancy and life span be improved or increased effectively.

Natural Treatment likes Immunotherapy, Medicated Bath, Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, can be used to treat FSGS patients with creatinine 3.3.

Immunotherapy combines the advantages of Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to stimulates a patient’s immune system. Although we are less aware of it, the immune system also works to aid our recovery from FSGS.

Medicated Bath is a kind of relatively safer therapy for FSGS with no side effects. With Chinese medicine bath foam (extracted from Chinese herbal medicine), patients accept treatment through whole body bath or focal bath (such as hip bath, foot bath, face bath and eye bath). Medicine Bath belongs to external applications, which is easy to operate, cheap and painless.

In Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the especial herbs will be picked up based on patients’ illness conditions. The herbs will be milled into powder and be put into two medicated bags. Then actives material of the medicated bags which are applied at the patients’ Shenshu area will permeate into our body and into kidneys by a treatment machine to enlarge the blood vessel, dispel blood stasis, promote the blood circulation and enhanced kidneys self-healing ability. After that, kidney functions are restored.

If you want to gain more useful information or suffered by FSGS with creatinine 3.3, please leave a message below or send an e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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