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I am A FSGS Patient after Treatment My Protein Turns to Negative

2016-05-13 16:56

ZUBAIR is a 41 years old FSGS patient, on April 10th, 2015 he came to Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the first time to seek further treatment. Before coming here, he has suffered from proteinuria for 10 years and high serum creatinine 4 years. After 43 days treatment, his overall condition got improved greatly. In the following are some details about his disease condition, let us have a look together.

Disease History:

10 years ago, protein1+, occult blood 1+

4 years ago, creatinine 150.28

3 years ago, headache, dizzy, blood pressure 190/100mmHg, Protein2+, occult blood 2+, Creatinine 299.67, renal biopsy shown he has got FSGS,

1 years ago, hemoglobin 101.5g/L, blood red cell count 3.53*1012, Protein 3+, occult blood 1+, creatinine 265.2, UA 560umol/L

Test in our hospital shown hemoglobin 118g/L, blood cell count 4.15*10 12/L, Serum creatinine 556umol/L, BUN 19, 7mmol/L, UA 512umol/L.

Ultrasound shown Double kidney diffuse lesions, Left hydronephrosis

Diagnosed as:

Chronic glumorular nephrities, FSGS, Kidney Failure(Uremia), Renal Hypertension, Renal Anemia.

Metabolism Acidosis, Hyperuricemia, Left Hydronephrosis

Condition after treatment:

BP 130/80mmHg

Hemoglobin 104g/L

Blood red cell count 3.65*1012/L

Creatinine 236, BUN 8.2, UA 320

Protein-, occult blood-

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