Proteinuria 3+ in Child Can Become to Negative Naturally With Chinese Medicine
2018-04-13 16:16The Oman boy had been in Nephrotic Syndrome for about 12 years. Since he was two years old, the proteinuria, edema and other discomforts came out frequently even if he had went to the best hospital in Oman, UK and Indian and received different hormones and immunosuppressants. Finally his parents decided to brought him to China for the special Chinese medicine and getting rid of proteinuria radically.
During the medical exchanges in Oman, our doctors have a talk with the patient and his parent. “It is so magical that the doctor diagnosed my child’s condition precisely by only feel the pulse and tongue diagnosis. So I decide to try it in his vacation.”
When he arrived at our hospital, he have been checked up comprehensively with advanced medical technology and therapeutic theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The treat result is proteinuria 3+, 24 hour protein urine quantitative analysis 11.82g, HP 60 / 91 mmHg. weight 62kg and height 157com. And then, the professor Youkang Zhang, Farlei Zheng, Yongli Zhan talked about his illness conditions together and thus offered a sequence of Chinese medicines involving Moxibustion Therapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Full Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and so on.
Within only 14 days, the proteinuria in the test report shows negative, BP normal, weight 57kg, and the swelling is disappeared. When all the discomforts is disappeared, is it the end of treatment?
No, the whole treatment to nephrotic syndrome is a long time, and the patients need to insist the medicines as well as healthy behaviors to urge the entire recovery. This is also the reason why he stayed at our hospital for another half a month and take some oral and external application back home.
Now, the child is able to enjoy his normal life and study. Also, he do not need to worry about the Recurrent proteinuria.
If you want to gain more information about treatments to proteinuria for child, please leave a message below or send the medical reports to us. We will try our best to help you.
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