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Is Stem Cell Therapy Effective for Treating Nephrotic Syndrome

2016-06-18 17:10

Is Stem Cell Therapy effective for treating Nephrotic Syndrome? Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms and caused by damages in basement membrane of glomeruli. It not only happens among Children but also adult, which affect the patient’s life greatly. Stem Cell Therapy as a latest treatment for this disease, it has good effect in treating it.

What is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cell therapy refers to stem cells go to damaged areas and regenerate new cells and tissues in an appropriate condition. In recent years, this therapy has been used widely to treat respiratory diseases, cerebropathy, blood disease, liver diseases, etc. For kidney disease patients, stem cell therapy shows a quite potential effect on repairing damaged kidney inherent cells and rebuilding kidney normal structure.

How can Stem Cell Therapy treat Nephrotic Syndrome?

In one sterile environment, a lot of stem cells are injected to patients' body. Then, they can go to damaged kidneys to differentiate into kidney inherent cells. So that those stem cells can repair damaged kidney cells and regenerate new cells, alleviate complications such as high creatinine level and hypertension. By this way, Stem Cell Therapy can treat Nephrotic Syndrome from its underlying causes.

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