Chronic Kidney Disease Causes

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What are the Common Causes of Enlarged Kidneys

2014-01-03 02:50

What are the Common Causes of Enlarged KidneysWhat are the common causes of enlarged kidneys? Enlarged kidneys means the kidney size is larger than the normal size, and there are some common conditions that can cause enlarged kidneys.

1. Polycystic kidneys

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic kidney disease with numerous cysts on kidneys. The cysts will gradually increase in both size and numbers, so the kidneys will be enlarged. PKD patients will suffer from some obvious symptoms and complications, such as pain in the lower back sides, headaches, blood urine, high blood pressure, kidney rupture, urinary tract infections and kidney stones. All these symptoms will affect the normal life of patients.

2. Hydronephrosis

When the ureters are blocked, the urine cant flow out, which will cause the kidney swelling. This will cause kidney enlargements. Hydronephrosis can range from mild condition to severe condition. When the hydronephrosis is severe, patients will experience some serious symptoms, such as back pain, painful urination, cloudy urine and fever.

3. Pyonephrosis

When the hydronephrosis is obctructive, people may suffer from pyonephrosis. The pus will develop into the kidneys which will cause further damage to the kidneys and cause kidney enlargements. In this condition, patients may suffer from chills, fever and pain in the sides.

3. Amyloids

As we know, proteins are important for our body. Sometimes, when the abnormal proteins can deposit in tissues and cause disease, which is also called amyloids. When the amyloids form in kidneys, it will also cause the kidney enlargement.

4. Renal cell cancer

When the malignant cells occur in the lining of the kidney tubules, it will cause enlarged kidneys. And patients in this condition will have the symptoms of abdominal pain, general swelling, abnormal color of the urine and back pain.

From above, we can know that the causes of kidney enlargement are various. If patients found they have enlarged kidneys from a test, they need to find the basic cause of their disease, and have prompt and effective treatments to treat their kidneys. Because the uncontrolled kidney enlargement will cause kidney damage and kidney failure, so early prevention and treatment will be helpful for patients.

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