Chronic Kidney Disease Diet

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Is Whole Wheat Bread Good for Patient with Kidney Disease

2015-01-30 15:20

Is Whole Wheat Bread Good for Patient with Kidney DiseaseIs whole wheat bread good for patient with kidney disease ? Whole wheat bread is rich in fiber which is good for digest and is helfup for reducing the cholesterol and fat level. In addition, it can help to control the blood sugar level thus to reduce the risk of getting Diabetes. But it also contains large amount of protein and potassium which are not good for kidney disease patient. So as a kidney disease patient, you should not eat too much of it. I hope the following content can help you to know more about it.

If you have Kidney Failure, whole wheat bread should be limited, especially on dialysis or as you are closer to end stage renal disease. It is because whole wheat bread is high in potassium and phosphorus. As your kidneys fail to work adequately, their ability to process those two items can wreak havoc if not well controlled.

Potassium is a nutrient that is critical to the function of nerve and muscle cells, including those in your heart. High levels of potassium can cause hyperkalemia.This condition can cause irregular heartbeat and even heart failure.

If levels of phosphorus in blood is too high, it can cause depositions of phosphorus and calcium, vitamin D metabolic disturbance and hyperparathyroidism. The patients with renal failure usually develop serious renal bone diseases.

But as we mentioned before, whole grain bread is high in fiber, it has many health benefits for people with renal failure. So prior to dialysis, if your doctor has not recommended a low potassium or low phosphorus diet, you can continue to eat whole grain bread.

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