Chronic Kidney Disease Diet

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Kidney Disease Patient with Gout should Avoid to Take Foods with High Purine

2015-03-06 17:26

Kidney Disease Patient with Gout should Avoid to Take Foods with High PurineKidney disease patient with gout should avoid to take food with high purine ? You know that kidney disease patient should pay high attention to their diet, if they get gout at the same time they also should avoid foods with purine which may aggravate this disease.

Why is purine restricted in the diet?

Restrict the intake of purine is helpful for decreasing blood and urinary uric acid levels, thus to prevent many complications of this disease.

Where is purine found ?

Purine is primarily found in foods from animal organ.

How do you avoid getting too much purine and reduce Gout?

Avoid foods that are high in purine, such as animal organ

Drink fluids, but remember to stay within your fluid limits recommended.

Limit fat and fatty foods (fried or greasy foods and fatty meats especially sausage, bacon, bologna, and hot dogs).

Avoid or limit Alcohol.

If you are overweight, moderate weight loss (be careful-quick weight loss may trigger an attack of gout).

You know a good diet is as important as a good treatment in treating kidney disease, so you should make a diet plan according to your own condition. Besides that a healthy living habit is also very important for cure kidney disease.

If you still have other questions or need any help in treating kidney disease with gout, you can leave message to us or chat with our experts on whatsapp, we will try our best to help you. Our whatsapp: +86 18395615012

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