Chronic Kidney Disease Diet

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Why Kidney Disease Patient should Control the Intake of Cholesterol

2015-08-22 11:36

Why Kidney Disease Patient should Control the Intake of CholesterolWhy kidney disease patient should control the intake of cholesterol ? You know high blood cholesterol is one of the three modifiable risk factors of coronary artery disease. So if kidney disease patient take too much foods with high cholesterol foods they may got this life-threatening disease. Since the high blood cholesterol is a risk to your health, you need to take steps to lower your blood cholesterol level. The best way to do this is to make sure you eat foods that are low in fat and cholesterol.

What are the types of fat ?

Saturated Fat: Contained primarily in animal foods like meat and dairy products, it encourages your body to produce more cholesterol. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature.

Unsaturated Fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated): May lower blood cholesterol. They are usually of vegetable origin, and they are liquid at room temperature.

Dietary Cholesterol: Is found in the food you eat. It is found only in foods of animal origin, not plant origin.

Hydrogenation: A chemical process that changes liquid vegetable oils (unsaturated fats) into a more solid saturated fat.

Since you have known the high blood cholesterol is a risk to your health and the types of it, so you should try your best to control the intake of them. If you want to know more accurate foods with high Cholesterol you should avoid, you can leave message to us, we will reply you as soon as possible.

But here i need to remind you no matter how good your diet is, without a good treatment it will be useless to treat your disease. So you should take actions to find and take the systematic treatment of your disease.

If you need any other help in treating kidney disease, you can leave message to us, we are here waiting to help you.

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