Chronic Kidney Disease Diet

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Can I Eat Cucumber with Chronic Kidney Disease

2014-01-26 05:46

Can I Eat Cucumber with Chronic Kidney DiseaseCan I eat cucumber with chronic kidney disease (CKD)? As we know, for kidney disease patients, they need to pay attention to what to eat, and they need to follow a kidney-friendly diet. Cucumber, which is regarded as a common vegetable, is favourite by lots of people. Cucumber is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid and other minerals, and there are many benefits for people to eat cucumber.

1. Lower high blood sugar

As we know, diabetes is a common leading cause of kidney disease, and long-term high blood sugar will cause further damage to kidneys. So patients should limit their daily sugar intake. The blood sugar level of cucumber is almost zero, and the glucoside and fructose in cucumber are not involved glucose metabolism. So eating cucumber can help lower high blood sugar level.

2. Lower high blood pressure

As cucumber contains high potassium, magnesium and fiber, which can help regulate blood pressure. In addition, lower high blood pressure can also help prevent the further damage of kidneys.

3. Natural diuretics

Cucumber can also be regarded as a natural diuretic, which can help increase the urine output. Then it can help remove the excess fluids and bad substances from body, and it also can prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Above are the benefits of eating cucumber for people, but for CKD patients, they need to eat cucumber depending on their own illness condition. For example, as cucumber is high in potassium, so CKD patients who have high potassium level should avoid it.

Although cucumber is beneficial for some CKD patients, they should also follow some other dietary principles, such as low-protein, low-salt, low-fat and limited fluid diet. All these will be helpful in reducing the kidney burden, protecting residual kidney function and slowing down kidney failure. If you want to get a specific diet plan, you can send your test reports to

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