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Foods that Can Help Decrease Creatinine Level

2014-01-23 02:14

Foods that Can Help Decrease Creatinine LevelWhat are the common foods that can help decrease creatinine level? Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which is an important part of muscles, and creatinine is mainly removed from blood by kidneys. When the kidneys are damages, the kidney function will fail to work well, and the creatinine level cant be excreted promptly. Creatinine level is often a sign of severe kidney damage. When the creatinine level is higher than the normal level, it means less than 50% kidney function for kidney disease patients.

The normal creatinine level for adult is 0.5-1.2 mg/dl, and kidney disease patients should pay attention to their creatinine level. Once their creatinine level is higher than the normal level, they need to have effective treatment to lower it. In this article, we will introduce some common foods that can help decrease creatinine level.

1. Cabbage and lettuce

High creatinine level patients can eat more leafy greens, especially cabbage and lettuce, which can help lower creatinine levels. Besides, leafy greens can also help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

2. Cucumber

Cucumber is considered as a natural kidney-cleansers, which contains rich vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, folate, magnesium and silica. Besides, it is also low in calorie and has powerful antioxidant. As a kidney-cleanser, cucumber can help lower high creatinine level.

3. Foods which are rich in omega-3 acids

The foods which are rich in omega-3 acids can help decrease the high creatinine level. And the common high omega-3 foods include salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, walnut and wild rice.

4. Garlic and onion

Garlic and onion are both good to lower high creatinine level, besides onion can also help control high blood pressure. As high blood pressure is also a common symptom for kidney disease patients, and the unwell controlled blood pressure will increase the progression of kidney failure, so kidney disease patients can eat onion in their daily life.

Above are the common foods which can help decrease the high creatinine level, besides, carrots, soy products and liquids are also good for high creatinine level patients. However, as the illness condition is different from case to case, so the specific diet plan will be different. Therefore, patients need to ask the advices of their doctors before they want to take the foods to decrease their creatinine levels.

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