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Can Hot Compress Therapy Help Lower Creatinine 2.7

2014-02-08 06:41

Can Hot Compress Therapy Help Lower Creatinine 2.7Can hot compress therapy help lower creatinine 2.7? This is a question we received from one of our kidney disease patients who have high creatinine level.

Creatinine 2.7 means the serum creatinine level for this patients is 2.7 mg/dl, which is much higher than the normal level 0.5-1.2. In general, high creatinine level is a dangerous sign for kidney disease patients, which means their kidneys have been damaged severely. In this condition, the patient need to have some effective treatments to lower hid high creatinine level and repair his kidney damage.

I think it will be a wise choice if he choose hot compress therapy to help lower his high creatinine 2.7. Hot compress therapy is a featured treatment in China which is used Chinese herbal medicines and has been treated more than 64 countries kidney disease patients. Hot compress therapy is used Chinese herbal medicines and through external hot compress on shenshu acupoints, during the treatment, the herbal medicines can infiltrate the skin to kidneys. And with the long term treatment, the kidney function can be improved effectively.

Hot compress therapy can help lower creatinine 2.7 in these aspects.

- Improve the blood circulation

The herbal medicines used in hot compress therapy can help expand the blood vessels and help improve the blood circulation. In this process, the creatinine in blood can flow into kidneys and filter into urine, so the creatinine level will be lowered.

- Repair the damaged kidney tissues

Some herbal medicines have function of repairing the damaged kidney tissues and help protect the residual kidney function, which can help improve the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and improve the kidney function. When the GFR is improved, then the kidneys can remove more creatinine from blood, which can also lower the creatinine level 2.7.

Besides, hot compressure therapy has some other benefits for kidney disease patients, and help them lower high creatinine level. Hot compress therapy can help improve the immune system and help people relieve their serious symptoms, all these will be helpful for kidney disease patients.

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