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Safe Foods to Eat while on Dialysis

2013-10-26 15:49

Safe Foods to Eat while on DialysisMany ESRD patients come to our website to look for safe foods to eat while on dialysis, as what they eat affects their life expectancy directly. This is the reason why kidney failure patients are always asked to make diet changes. Well, what foods are safe to eat while we are on dialysis?

Before knowing what foods are recommended for people who are on dialysis, we need to know well about the general dietary principles, only with a good understanding about it, can we make right decision while choosing what foods to eat and what foods to avoid.

Dietary principles for dialysis patients

Once kidney failure patients start dialysis, they should be especially careful about protein intake, fluid intake and salt intake. With dialysis, they usually need to increase protein intake to replenish protein they lost in urine and during dialysis. And as for the fluid, it depends on the specific illness condition, but they generally need to limit fluid intake, so as to have a tight control about the dry weight. Besides, aside from protein and fluid, potassium intake and phosphorus intake also should be controlled well. Failed kidney can not excrete excess phosphorus and potassium in blood, so dialysis patients are usually asked to reduce potassium intake and phosphorus intake.

Safe foods to eat while on dialysis

According to dietary principles we mentioned in the above, the following foods are recommended for dialysis patients:

1. Foods those are rich in high quality protein like lean meat, egg white, fish and milk.

2. Low salt foods and this needs patients to add less alt while cooking.

3. Low potassium foods like raw alfalfa sprouts, boiled leeks, cooked collards, cooked eggplant and peeled cucumber, canned pear and raw blueberries and so on.

4. Low phosphorus foods like whole grain breads, white rice, regular pasta, sherbet, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, onions and tomatoes and so on.

Lastly, foods we recommended in the above are only suitable for some dialysis patients. Due to the difference of illness condition, patients who are on dialysis need to make diet changes and eat different foods. Therefore, if you want to know what foods are good for you, you can send your test report to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com. Our nephrologists will help you analyze your illness and then reply you with the food lists that are recommended for you.

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