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Can A Dialysis Patient Come Out of Dialysis

2013-10-31 13:57

Can A Dialysis Patient Come Out of DialysisCan a dialysis patient recover his kidney functionality and come out of dialysis? We all know dialysis is used to purify blood by removing wastes out of the body in medicine. Kidney is responsible for filtering and cleaning blood. When kidney function is affected, wastes can not be removed. As a result, they build up in blood and affect other organs. This is the reason why dialysis is needed for people with kidney failure. Dialysis is helpful, but torturous, so many patients who have started dialysis for some time wonder if they can come out of dialysis.

To be honest, it is possible for a dialysis patient to come out of dialysis, but this does not mean all the dialysis patients have this chance. Dialysis is a medical progress in which blood is induced out of patient’s boy and filtered by a dialysis machine outside the body. During this process, blood is purified; but unfortunately, kidney damages can not be repaired. Therefore, once start dialysis, patients usually need to do it frequently. For patients who have done dialysis for a long time, they may find their urine output become lesser and lesser. In some cases, patients may produce no urine due to severe kidney damages. In normal cases, kidney works through a group of kidney tissues like glomeruli and renal tubules. Anuria indicates almost all the kidney tissues have lost their working ability. For injured kidney intrinsic cells, there is chance to repair them and help them to function again. However, for these which are necrotic, there is no treatment can revive them. Therefore, for dialysis patients who have no urine output, they need dialysis to sustain their life if kidney transplant is not available.

In an affected kidney, there are healthy, injured and necrotic kidney intrinsic cells. Injured kidney cells can be effectively repaired with Chinese medicines and this can help to improve kidney function successfully. Therefore, for dialysis patients who have a certain urine output, there is chance for them to come out of dialysis and they need to cherish this chance by receiving effective treatment as soon possible. Otherwise, dialysis and kidney transplant will be their last two choices.

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