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Why Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Have Hyperlipidemia

2013-10-07 15:50

Patient: Why Nephroic Syndrome patients have hyperlipidemia?

Why Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Have HyperlipidemiaDoctor: Why Nephrotic Syndrome patients have hyperlipidemia? Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disorder marked by tons of protein in urine. Since it is a problem regarding kidney, many patients must have the doubt why they have hyperlipidemia which is an increase in the amount of fat in the blood.

In Nephrotic Syndrome, hyperlipidemia is always associated with low protein in blood. Protein is a must for a healthy body, and normally kept in the body when flowing through kidney. However, for Nephrotic Syndrome patients, their glomerular filtration membrane is damaged seriously, as a result of which, protein are released in urine. When proteins are lost from urine, apolipoporteins are synthesized in increased quantities by the liver. In addition to this, there is decreased lipid catabolism due to decreased activity of lipoprotein lipase. All these factors contribute to hyperlipidemia in Nephrotic Syndrome.

For hyperlipidemia caused by Nephrotic Syndrome, a tight control of proteinuria is very important. To reduce protein in urine effectively, some medications like ACEI (Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) and ARBs (Angiotensin II Receptor blockers) can be applied. In addition, they also need to adjust their protein intake and fat intake. Only with a comprehensive management of their illness, can Nephrotic Syndrome receive satisfactory effects in treating hyperlipidemia.

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