How Much It Cost for Osmotherapy for kidney disease
2017-08-16 09:24
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:01:20
Hi, how much does it cost for treatment osmotherapy for kidney disease?
kidney-expert 08-12 03:01:23
That depends on patient's disease condition.
kidney-expert 08-12 03:01:36
Do you know what is your creatinine level?
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:01:39
Stage 5. It is my mother.
kidney-expert 08-12 03:01:51
Does she have any illness history such as hypertension, diabetes or infection?
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:02:30
Diabetes and now treating some infection.
kidney-expert 08-12 03:02:34
Any symptoms now? like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:02:56
Anemia and some edema on feet.
kidney-expert 08-12 03:03:00
I see, for her case, we have natural treatments such as Toxin-Removing Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy and so on can help your mother improve the renal function and alleviate the symptoms safely.
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:03:49
OK. Is it possible that this treatment can be done in phils?
kidney-expert 08-12 03:04:36
I am sorry it is only in china now.
Philippine Guest 08-12 03:04:40
OK, Thanks.
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