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Natural Solutions to My Father with CKD

2017-08-20 11:42

Natural Solutions to My Father with CKDCanadian Visitor 08-14 08:03:03


kidney-expert 08-14 08:03:08


kidney-expert 08-14 08:03:08

What can I do for you?

Canadian Visitor 08-14 08:03:54

Just looking to get information about my dad. He has been diagnosed with CKD. Looking for natural solutions.

kidney-expert 08-14 08:08:40

Does he has diabetes, high blood pressure, or other problem?

Canadian Visitor 08-14 08:09:24

He has diabetes and blood pressure is pretty good.

kidney-expert 08-14 08:09:47

Any symptoms? swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc.

Canadian Visitor 08-14 08:10:08

All except for itching.

kidney-expert 08-14 08:10:26

OK, don't worry, all these symptoms are caused by the damaged kidney. Once the kidney is restored, these kidney can go away naturally. I suggest your father need to repair the damaged kidney timely. We have Chinese medicines including Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Toxin-Removing Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Moxibustion Therapy and so on to help the patients alleviate the symptoms by rebuilding the renal function.

kidney-expert 08-14 08:14:07

As all the herbs used in the treatments are from natural, you do not need to worry about the side effects.

Canadian Visitor 08-14 08:25:26

OK. Thank you.

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