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Any Medicine I Can Take to Help Restore Function 18% in IgA Nephropathy

2017-12-05 09:24

Any Medicine I Can Take to Help Restore Function 18% in IgA NephropathyVisitor 12-02 14:02:48

My kidney function is about 18%. I have IgA Nephropathy, is there any medicine I can take to help restore some function?

kidney-expert 12-02 14:03:17

Your kidney function is low. Kidney function 18% indicates you are in the stage 4 kidney disease. Besides, IgA nephropathy is a immune disorder in which your immune system can not protect your body including kidneys from damage. Do you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other problem? These factors will lead to kidney damage easily.

Visitor 12-02 14:03:54

Blood pressure is high sometimes.

kidney-expert 12-02 14:04:31

I see. Please control it well. Apart from some medicines, you also need to limit water and salt intakes to help maintain your blood pressure. Do you have any other symptoms? like foamy urine, swelling, fatigue, back pain, anemia, itching, etc?

Visitor 12-02 14:05:12

Foaming urine, I get tired but I’m use to that part of it. Back pain sometimes.

kidney-expert 12-02 14:05:48

Ok, don’t worry, these are common symptoms of kidney problem. I recommend you to try Toxin-Removing Therapy to remit the discomforts as well as doing Immunotherapy to correct your immune system. Additionally, another natural treatment such as Acupuncture, Cupping Therapy, Medicated Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Oral Chinese Medicine or others will be required for the sake of increasing kidney function safely and successfully. Besides, the well-planned diets and living style can also help you to maintain your illness situation and improve your physical health.

kidney-expert 12-02 14:06:08

For your case, I’d like to send you some related information and advice. What’s your Email or whatsapp number?

Visitor 12-02 14:06:32


kidney-expert 12-02 14:06:47

Age, name and country?

Visitor 12-02 14:07:39

39, Steve, United States.

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