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Diabetic Nephropathy: How to Lower Creatinine Level 5 Without Dialysis

2014-01-01 07:07

Diabetic Nephropathy: How to Lower Creatinine Level 5 Without DialysisPATIENT: Hi, doctor. I am a diabetic patients, and my creatinine level is 5 mg/dl now. I don’t have protein or blood urine, and I have small amount of swelling in ankles. I don’t want to start dialysis, so I want to know whether there is anything medically that can be done to lower my creatinine level.

DOCTOR: I get your illness condition from my assistant, so I will give you some suggestions, and I hope these suggestions will be helpful for you.

What does creatinine level 5 mean?

Creatinine is the metabolite of muscles activity and the meat we eat in body, and creatinine is mainly excreted by kidneys. When the kidneys are slightly damaged, the creatinine can filter out normally. And the normal creatinine level is 0.7-1.3 mg/dl, when the creatinine level is higher than this level, which means the kidney function has been damaged severely, and the kidney function is less than 50%. So creatinine 5 means the kidney function is severely reduced, so patients need to have prompt and effective treatment to prevent the further damage of the kidneys.

When do patients need to have dialysis?

Creatinine is often as a sign for kidney failure patients to have their dialysis, generally, when the creatinine level is upper to 5, they are often recommended to have dialysis. But for diabetic patients, they are often recommended to have dialysis when their creatinine level is 4.3-4.5 mg/dl. For your condition, your doctor may have asked you to start dialysis. If you suffer from some serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin itch and loss of appetite, which may caused the toxins building up in your body. Or if you don’t have urination now, you need to have dialysis.

How to lower high creatinine level 5 without dialysis?

If you don’t have some serious symptoms and you still have urination, you can delay your dialysis to have alternative treatments to delay or prevent dialysis.

- You should first control your high blood sugar. As we know, diabetes is a common leading cause of kidney disease, so you should control your high blood sugar which will prevent the further damage of your kidney failure.

- You should limit your meat intake and reduce strenuous exercises, which will reduce the produce of creatinine in body.

- You should also strict your daily diet to remit your symptoms of swelling, and a kidney-friendly diet will be helpful in reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.

- You should have treatments on your kidney damage. Here we recommend Chinese therapies, which can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function. Only the kidney function is improved, you will really get rid of dialysis.

If you want to get the detailed information on diet therapy and medical therapy, you can send your test report to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com, we will make a systemic treatment project to you as soon as possible.

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