FSGS Symptoms

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Why Proteinuria In FSGS Can Not Be Cured

2019-02-17 10:00

Proteinuria,FSGS,CuredWhen patients with nephropathy have more Proteinuria, especially those with more than 3.5g/24h proteinuria, hormones are often used to treat them. If after a few weeks of hormone use, there is no significant improvement in massive proteinuria, we call it hormone-resistant Nephrotic Syndrome.

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is common in hormone-resistant nephrotic syndrome, A nephropathy closely related to genes.

Which FSGS patients need genetic testing?

For FSGS patients with resistance, skin lesions, deafness, neurological abnormalities, eye abnormalities, skeletal abnormalities, young adult onset diabetes mellitus, hepatosplenomegaly, metabolic acidosis, gene testing is recommended. Especially in patients before 25 years of age, genetic FSGS is more likely. At present, many large hospitals in China can carry out FSGS gene detection.

However, adult FSGS patients without a family history of hereditary nephrotic syndrome, especially those with mixed ethnic groups, are not recommended for genetic testing.

A large cohort study screened 2016 patients with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome without family history, with 21% of them inherited in the form of single gene FSGS. Among FSGS patients with family history, the prevalence of single gene FSGS is 30% to 50%. Gene testing in FSGS patients may provide better guidance for clinical treatment, but too many FSGS patients have not been genetically diagnosed.

Genetic FSGS may account for a large proportion of FSGS-resistant patients, especially children.

After the detection of pathogenic genes, some patients who use hormones and immunosuppressive agents ineffective can avoid ineffective treatment and side effects in advance, and can apply targeted therapy based on mutation genes. For example, patients with mutations in COQ6, COQ2 and COQ8B genes may respond to CoQ10 replacement therapy. Patients with WT1, TRPC6 and PLCE1 gene mutations respond to immunotherapy

How to help FSGS to avoid dialysis?

In China, most of patients take Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to avoid dialysis, which can achieve the follows effects.

1. Clearing away toxins and excess wastes completely, which can create a good and healthy internal environment.

2. Supplying enough nutrients and oxygen to diseased cells and tissues for improving kidney functions and rebuilding kidney structures.

3. Anti inflammation, anti coagulation, degradation, expending blood vessels, improving blood circulations, promoting the metabolism.

4. Improve immunity and enhance physical fitness

After 10-15 days treatments, all the complications can be relieved, and patients can have a longer and better life.

E-mail: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

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