Kidney Failure Prognosis

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Is Stage 3 Kidney Failure Serious

2013-10-08 11:51

Is Stage 3 Kidney Failure SeriousIs stage 3 kidney failure serious? For people who have never heart about kidney failure, they may know nothing about the harm of this illness. Therefore, when they are diagnosed with kidney failure, they do not know if they need to be worried about their life. Stage 3 kidney failure is marked by GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) 30-59mls/min/1.73m2. Well, should we be worried once being diagnosed with it?

To be honest, stage 3 kidney failure is not serious enough to deprive one’s life immediately, but if not treated well, it will progress to stage 5 which also can be called End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). At that time, dialysis or kidney transplant will be required and patients may lose their life at any time.

Besides, although stage 3 kidney failure is not serious enough to threaten one’s life in many cases, but with this problem, patients usually experience a series of discomforts or symptoms like swelling, nausea, vomiting, itchy skin, tiredness, dizziness, foamy urine, blood urine and high blood pressure and so on. Tight control of these symptoms plays an important in slowing down the progression of illness.

For people living with stage 3 kidney failure, to stay far away from ESRD and live a longer time, they need to remove the causes of kidney damages and repair injured kidney intrinsic cells to restore kidney function. Only in this way, can residual kidney tissues can be protected, and also only in this way, can stage 3 kidney failure be stopped from progressing to ESRD. For people with kidney problem, as long as their kidney condition is improved, all the symptoms or discomforts will be relieved effectively and radically.

Lastly, although stage 3 kidney failure is not serious to deprive one’s life at once, a timely and effective treatment is needed to restore kidney function. In this way, patients might live as longer as other healthy people.

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