Kidney Failure Prognosis

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Is There A Cure for Failed Kidneys

2013-10-09 17:09

Is There A Cure for Failed KidneysFailed kidneys describe as a condition in which kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter waste products out, keep electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure. If left alone, failed kidneys may eventually lead to complete kidney failure. Well then, is there a cure for failed kidneys?

The answer is complex and changes from case to case

If your kidney damage is acute, it is possible to cure it with prompt and correct treatment, while what we can do is to reverse or stop the progression of your medical condition.

Failed kidneys can result from either inherited or acquired factors: Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is one most common hereditary reason to cause kidney failing, and diabetes, high blood pressure, SLE, autoimmune disorders, etc may be acquired reasons.

How to reverse failed kidneys?

If your kidneys fail chronically, some treatment options are helpful to reverse or prevent your kidney condition from worsening.

1. Western medicines

Western medicines are usually used to ease patients’ symptoms and inhibit pathogenic factors from causing further kidney damage, but these medicines may cause many side effects and can’t treat kidney disease fundamentally.

2. TCM

With a history of more than 2000 years, doctors of TCM have used traditional Chinese medicine to treat damaged kidneys by repairing damaged kidney inherent cells and prompting the regeneration of new tissues. However, these medicines usually need a long time to work.

3. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This is one combination of western medicines and TCM. With the help of two small osmosis machines, the TCM’s working time can be shortened largely. Then, patients with failed kidneys can get remission in short time.

Different patients have different conditions even though they have same problems with some other patients. To get personalized treatment, you are suggested to describe your illness condition to our online doctor. Therefore, they will give you some suggestions in time.

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