IgA Nephropathy Symptoms

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Life Duration of Creatinine 8 on Dialysis Due to IgA Nephropathy

2014-05-31 06:18

IgA Nephropathy Symptoms“My husband has been suffering from creatinine 8 on dialysis due to IgA Nephropathy. Could you please suggest on his life duration? Thanks in advance.” After getting this query, we provide analysis as below. Read on or chat with our online doctor for free and professional advice.

Hello, Madam, we have got your inquiry and sorry to hear that your husband has been suffering from creatinine 8 on dialysis due to IgA Nephropathy. Given below is our explanation about his life expectancy. Hope it really helps!

Generally speaking, people who are undergoing dialysis have average life duration around 3-5 years. However, the individualized life span vary from case to case. If you are interested to get an exact answer in his case, please Email us at kidney-treatment@hotmail.com with his test reports or detailed illness information. Our kidney doctor will analyze it and reply you soon.

In addition, we would like to offer suggestions on helping him significantly prolong the life expectancy. In case of creatinine 8 on dialysis with IgA Nephropathy, latest treatment known as Blood Pollution Therapy is recommended to help him prevent further decline of renal function, remove blood stasis, supplement essential elements to the blood, repair the damaged kidneys, and greatly improve the kidney capacity. In this way, the frequency of dialysis can be reduced gradually. In favorable cases, patient can even get off the therapy and live a normal, long life with their own kidneys.

If you still have any question about managing his condition of creatinine 8 on dialysis due to IgA Nephropathy, please feel free to leave your doubt in the section as below. It’s our pleasure to share helpful advice. Thanks for your time!

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