Kidney Failure Diet

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Is Curry Powder Safe for Dialysis Patient

2014-10-11 12:43

Is Curry Powder Safe for Dialysis PatientIn our days, dialysis can help to prolong the life span of people with Kidney Failure greatly, so they can have a quality life. But those patients are easy to got poor appetite, thus induce lacking of nutrition. In order to help them live better, experts recommend people to keep a fit diet, which is helpful in keeping nutrition balance, in addition it can help to prevent some complications of this disease. What’s more, it can increase the curative effect.

Curry powder is loved by many people, it is used widely in cooking, especially in making curry. Then is it safe for patients who are undergoing dialysis ?

It is known that patient with Kidney Failure have problems in discharging potassium, so If they take too much foods with high potassium in it, that may lead to Hyperpotassemia, which is a life-threatening disease. And curry powder is high in potassium, so patients should avoid to eat it. Besides curry powder, the following foods are also high in potassium, they are beans, tomato, potato, mushroom, peanut, walnut, grape, banana, coco, chocolate,coffee, dried foods and so on, so patients should pay attention to them.

Besides potassium, patient with this disease also should control the intake of protein, fluid, sodium and phosphorus, all of them may make the disease worse.

In short, when you make the diet plan, do make it according to your owe condition, make sure that it can supply enough nutritions without add work load to your kidney at the same time. Pay attention to the changes of color, smell and taste in dishes, that can help to improve the appetite.

If you need any help in making your diet plan or have other question in curing Kidney Failure, do not hesitant to contact us by email, we will try our best to help you. Our email:

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