Kidney Failure Diet

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Is Fennel Bulb OK to Eat for End Stage Kidney Failure Patients

2013-11-13 14:32

Is Fennel Bulb OK to Eat for End Stage Kidney Failure PatientsFish is often used to replace red meat as the protein source for end stage kidney failure patients. Fennel bulb is one vegetable that can help flavor fish and remove fishy taste. Thereby, kidney failure patients may ask: is fennel bulb OK to eat for end stage kidney failure patients?

In our daily like, fennel bulb is a good source of vitamin C, antioxidant and fiber. All of these benefits are essential for ESRD patients, and they can help these patients fight against their kidney disease and complications better.

However, fennel bulb is also high in potassium, and most patients with end stage kidney failure should restrict the intake of this mineral. The reason is that diseased kidneys can’t remove excessive potassium from the body efficiently. The condition may be different if patients begin dialysis.

With hemodialysis, patients still need to pay more attention to potassium intake, while patients on peritoneal dialysis may not restrict the intake of potassium. From this point, if you or your family members have end stage kidney failure, you had better consult the online doctor before eating fennel bulb.

Besides potassium intake, patients with end stage kidney disease should notice to the following dietary points:

- Limit the intake of protein: If you have begun dialysis, about 1.2 g/kg of protein is recommended one daily. If not, the amount of protein intake should decline to about 0.4g/kg one daily.

- Reduce the salt intake: Salt contains high content of sodium that can cause or worsen high blood pressure and swelling.

- Control phosphorus intake: In end stage kidney failure, phosphorus is something patients need to limit. Otherwise, high phosphorus level may cause skin itching, bone disease, etc.

From the above description, we can know a healthy diet is very important for people with end stage kidney failure. If you want to know how much fennel bulb is safe to eat or a personalized diet, welcome to leave us a message below.

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