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For Kidney Failure Patients Antibiotics Can Damage Kidneys In 4 Ways

2019-03-07 10:07

Kidney Failure,Damage Kidneys,AntibioticsKidney is one of the most important excretory organs of human body. Most drugs are excreted by kidney. If drugs are abused, the kidney will certainly be harmed.

Antibiotics can "damage" your kidneys in these four ways, you know?

1. Injury of glomerulus and interstitium

When some antibiotics are contacted with human body for the second time, they will become antigens and antibodies in vivo. Immune reaction will occur to form complex, and deposit in glomeruli and interstitium, which will damage renal function.

2. Injury of renal tubules

The concentration of antibiotics in renal tubules is too high, which can damage the wall of the renal tubules, thus causing renal function damage, and can lead to renal failure seriously.

3. Injury of ureter

Some antibiotics have low solubility in urine, easy to crystallize and destroy the ureteral wall, thus causing renal function damage.

4. Obstruction of excretion

In patients with renal insufficiency, the excretion function of the kidney decreases. After taking antibiotics, drugs tend to accumulate in the blood. If the concentration is too high for a long time, it will further aggravate the kidney injury.

But even if the crime of kidney injury caused by antibiotics is so serious, antibiotics, like other drugs, have their positive effects and side effects, and are still the necessary drugs for many diseases. If the following three misunderstandings can be correctly taken, the toxicity of antibiotics can be greatly reduced.

Misunderstand 1: The more species, the more obvious the effect.

In order to get better faster, there are many cases of kidney failure caused by taking several cold medicines (antibiotics) at one time. It is thought that the more kinds of medicines are taken, the more obvious and faster the effect will be. But in fact, the more kinds of medicines are taken, the more side effects will be greater and drug resistance will be easily produced.

Generally speaking, we should follow the principle that "one antibiotic can solve the problem without two kinds".

Misunderstand 2: Change medicines if the curative effect is not good

Many people who take antibiotics, see the short-term efficacy is not obvious, then change to other types of antibiotics, which is also a big misunderstanding.

On the one hand, the effect is not obvious for the time being, should consider whether due to insufficient medication time, inappropriate route of administration and their own conditions, the general effect will be improved after adjustment, it is not necessary to change medicines; on the other hand, frequent replacement of medicines will cause confusion in medication, bring harm to the body and improve bacterial resistance to multiple drugs.

Misunderstand 3: Drugs can be discontinued as soon as they are effective

The use of antibiotics also has a cycle, even if the disease has improved, it is best to follow the cycle, in order to prevent the disease from accelerating deterioration, more difficult to cure.

All medicines should be treated and used dialectically rather than exclusively. We should know how to maximize the efficacy while avoiding its side effects.


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