Is GFR 47 Serious for Polycystic Nephropathy Patients
2017-02-20 17:26
What is GFR? GFR, a short spelling of glomerular filtrantion rate, is a primary measure of renal function, in other word, it represents a kind of ability about eliminating harmful and poisonous substances. When GFR is developing into 47ml/min, it means you are at the third stage in which the rest of renal function is about 50-60 percent. Therefore relative measure should be taken into consideration, if you do not want to develop into a more serious and irreversible stage.
Polycystic nephropathy is characterized as countless small or big cysts, then these cysts inject renal parenchyma, which directly leads to blood pollution. Polluted blood with blood circulation starts to attach every inherent cell and its structure, finally injures renal cells and its function which play a real part role in excluding harmful substances. That is the filtration function of glomerular containing mechanical barrier and charge barrier. Because of damaged kidney, toxins are not able to exclude through everyday urine and metabolism, as a result GFR begins to descend increasingly. So before it becomes too serious to irreversible, we should take effective measure to avoid it.
One of Chinese therapies is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It combines the theory of Chinese traditional medicine with current practice in order to applied in repairing damaged kidney better and efficiently. It used a small bag that contained with special Chinese herbal medicines putting in your low back area for 40-50 minutes. From this way, can promote blood circulation and metabolism in order to achieve the aim of removing toxins.
If you are the one under the similar situation, or interested in more detail about his kidney disease. it is very convenient for you to send an email for us. Our experts will contact you and explain your puzzle clearly.
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