Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

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What Happens If Your Creatinine Level is 7 with CKD

2014-05-22 08:54

What Happens If Your Creatinine Level is 7 with CKDIf your creatinine level is 7 with CKD, you may wonder what happens. In this text, we will explain this question in details. Read on to learn more useful information. Or, chat with our online doctor for free and professional advice.

As is known, creatinine refers to a by-product of normal muscle contractions, which becomes a chemical waste product filtered from the blood through the kidneys. General, the normal range is around 0.5-1.3mg/dl. The level begins to increase when about 50% or more of renal function has been lost.

Hence, if your creatinine level is 7 with CKD, you have experienced quite severe kidney damage in end-stage renal disease with loss of most kidney function. At this point, your kidneys fail to work adequately to keep you alive. So it is essential to take prompt and effective treatment to sustain life.

Conventionally, doctors would suggest renal replacement therapy like dialysis or a kidney transplant. For those patients who do not want to take either of the therapies, they can resort to alternative natural treatment called Blood Pollution Therapy.

Different from conventional symptomatic treatment, Blood Pollution Therapy is a fundamental option with aims to eliminate the root cause of kidney disease. The whole treatment process includes three parts as below:

- Remove blood stasis by advanced blood purification therapies like hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, immunoadsorption, plasma exchange, and CRRT.

- Further clean the blood with Chinese medicine remedies such as enema, cycle therapy, full bath therapy, moxibustion, etc.

- Repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and restore the overall renal function gradually. Herbal remedy known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has been proven quite effective with such effects.

If your creatinine level is 7 with CKD would like to get evaluated for Blood Pollution Therapy, please Email us at or leave a message in the below. We will contact you soon!

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