Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment

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Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome in 3 Years Old Child

2014-02-08 03:03

Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome in 3 Years Old ChildHow to treat the nephrotic syndrome in 3 years old child? Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disease in children, which means the glomerular basement membrane permeability increased caused by various factors, and a large amount of protein lost in urine. The most common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome is a large amount of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, severe edema and hypercholesteremia.

For children who have nephrotic syndrome, they need to have early treatment, which can help relieve the symptoms and prevent the further kidney damage. Besides, early and effective treatments can also help prevent the possible complications such as infections, high coagulation state and thromboembolic complications, calcium and vitamin D metabolism disorder, hypovolemia, acute renal impairment, renal tubular dysfunction and atherosis. From above, we can know that prompt and effective treatments are important for children who have nephrotic syndrome.

How to treat the nephrotic syndrome?

- Keep a well-planed diet

As nephrotic syndrome patients have serious symptoms, so they need to first control their symptoms in order to prevent the further kidney damage.

When Children have severe swelling or edema, they need to limit their daily salt intake or even avoid salt intake. Besides, they should also limit their fluid intake. Patients should follow the suggestions of their doctors to keep a well-planed diet which is depending on their illness condition. If you want to get a specific diet plan for your child, you can send his or her recent test reports to We will answer you as soon as possible.

- Medical treatment

Children with nephrotic syndrome should also take medical treatment which can help relieve their symptoms and protect the kidney function.

In order to reduce the edema, they need to take some diuretics such as thiazide diuretic, loop diuretics and osmotic diuretic, and the intake of diuretics should depending on the illness condition of children.

They should also take some medicines such as ACEI or ARBs to control their proteinuria, because the large amount of proteinuria will cause damage to glomeruli and kidney tubules.

In addition, they should also take glucocorticoid to suppress the inflammations in kidneys which can help prevent the further damage to kidneys. However, long-term of taking glucocorticoid may cause many side effects on children, so they should take care when they take this treatment.

Above are the general treatments for nephrotic syndrome in children, if you want to get more treatment information, you can contact our experts online.

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