Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms

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What Are the Symptoms of PKD

2013-09-07 18:45

Characterized with numerous kidney cysts, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) affects many patients’ life quality. With the growth of kidney cysts, more and more kidneys tissues are replaced. As a result, many symptoms will occur in patients with PKD.

Renal cysts

Most of patient’s symptoms are connected with the expansion of renal cyst. The sizes and quantity of cysts will increase over time. This makes patient’s kidneys become bigger and bigger. In the end stage, the kidneys may fill the whole enterocoelia.

Pain in back

This symptom is the most common symptom of patients with PKD. Patients often have sense of pressure or dull pain around their kidneys, and sharp pain may also appear sometimes. The pain may increase after patients taking physical activity, sitting for long time, etc, and the pain can relive after patient lying in bed.

Blood urine

About half patients will have blood urine, and some are visible hematuria. This is caused by the rupture of kidney cyst, kidney stone or urinary tract infections. If there is too much blood leaking out, blood clots may form, and patient may feel painful when the blood clots flow through ureter.


Most PKD patients have hypertension before the creatinine level increasing, and this is because the cysts’ pression makes kidney excrete more renin. On the other hand, hypertension can also promote the progression of PKD.

Protein urine

Because cysts can damage kidney function, damages on glomeruli and on renal tubules both can make patients have protein urine.

Renal insufficiency

Patients with this disease will have renal insufficiency sooner or later, and some cases may occur in teenager. Most patients would not have renal insufficiency before forty years old, and about half patients will have renal insufficiency when they are sixty years old.

The symptoms above are not complete, and different patients may have their special symptoms. However, these symptoms are the most common ones.

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